Business / Finance / Oversubscription Privilege: In a rights issue, arrangement by which shareholders are given the right to apply for any shares that are not taken up.
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Privilege Noun Synonyms: benefit, advantage, right, prerogative, concession, allowance, indulgence, immunity, exemption, dispensation, freedom, liberty, franchise, permission, consent, leave, authorization, sanction, authority, license, carte blanche
Business / Finance / Reinvestment Privilege: A shareholder's right to reinvest dividends and buy more shares in the corporation or mutual fund. MORE
Business / Finance / Skip-Payment Privilege: Settling a trade one business day beyond what is normal. MORE
Business / Finance / Subscription Privilege: Price that current shareholders pay for a share of stock in a rights offering. MORE
Business / Finance / Oversubscription Privilege: In a rights issue, arrangement by which shareholders are given the right to apply for any shares that are not taken up. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Opt-Out Privilege: A general term used when some benefits are available for out-of-network covered services. Often coverage is less than the coverage available for in-network services, and the covered person has to pay MORE
Business / Finance / Exchange Privilege: An offer by a firm to give one security, such as a bond or preferred stock, in exchange for another security, such as shares of common stock. MORE