Private Adjective Synonyms
solitary, seclusive, reclusive, withdrawn, retiring, reticent, ungregarious, non-gregarious, unsocial, unsociable, antisocial, reserved, uncommunicative, hermitic(al), hermit-like, eremitic(al), sequestered, secluded, retired
You have to bear in mind that Edmund is a very private person.
private soldier, infantryman, foot-soldier, enlisted man, Tommy, Tommy Atkins, squaddie, GI (Joe), grunt
Before cashiering him, they reduced him from colonel to private.
personal, individual, own, intimate, particular
My private affairs are none of your business.
Private Noun Synonyms
privileged, restrictive, restricted, exclusive, special, reserved, personal, inaccessible, non-public, hidden, secluded, concealed, secret, sneaking
The house is situated on a private road. I had a private suspicion that they would cancel their trip.
(top) secret, confidential, undisclosed, hidden, clandestine, concealed, covert, surreptitious, off the record, not for publication, unofficial, hush-hush
I think our relationship should be kept private for the time being. What I am about to tell you is strictly private.
Search Google for Private:
Secret / Solitary / Individual / Special
Entertainment / Literature / Private Symbol: In contrast with an archetype (universal symbol), a private symbol is one that an individual artist arbitrarily assigns a personal meaning to. Nearly all members of an ethnic, religious, or linguistic MORE
Business / Taxes / Private Equity: Private equity is an umbrella term for large amounts of money raised directly from accredited individuals and institutions and pooled in a fund that invests in a range of business ventures. The attrac MORE
Business / Agriculture / State And Private Forestry: A branch of the Forest Service providing technical and financial assistance to states and to private landowners for forest management and for forest health. MORE
Lifestyle / Time Shares / Private Occupancy: The number of guests that a resort unit will accommodate, based on two adults per separate sleeping area, with private access to a bathroom. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Private Health Insurance: Private health insurance ?€“ insurance plans marketed by the private health insurance industry ?€“ currently dominates the U.S. health care landscape, with approximately two-thirds of the non- MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Private Island: An island or beach property leased or owned by a cruise line for the specific use of its cruise passengers. Private islands typically offer an array of beach and water sports. MORE