Other Words for Individual

Individual Adjective Synonyms
person, human (being), (living) soul, mortal, one, party
In a democracy each individual is entitled to one vote.

single, sole, particular, separate, distinct, discrete, solitary, lone
Consider the entire utterance, not just the individual words.

singular, special, specific, idiosyncratic, own, characteristic, distinctive, individualistic, unique, peculiar, personal, proper, unitary
She has her individual style of dressing.

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More Words for Individual

Solitary / One / Special / Separate / Party

Individual Stop-Loss Coverage

Health / Health Insurance / Individual Stop-Loss Coverage: A type of stop-loss insurance that provides benefits for claims on an individual that exceed a stated amount in a given period. Also known as specific stop-loss coverage. MORE

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

Business / Finance / Individual Retirement Account (IRA): For foreign exchange, the number of units of a foreign currency needed to buy one U.S. dollar. MORE

Individual Health Insurance

Health / Health Insurance / Individual Health Insurance: Health insurance coverage on an individual, not group, basis. The premium is usually higher for an individual health insurance plan than for a group policy, but you may not qualify for a group plan. R MORE

Individual Retirement Annuity

Business / Taxes / Individual Retirement Annuity: An individual retirement annuity is one type of individual retirement arrangement. It resembles the better-known individual retirement account in most ways, such as annual contribution limits, catch-u MORE

Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA)

Business / Taxes / Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA): An individual retirement arrangement (IRA), which may be set up as either an account or an annuity, allows people with earned income to contribute to a tax-deferred traditional IRA or a tax-free Roth MORE

Disabled Individual

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Disabled Individual: Under the ADA guidelines, an individual with a disability is a person who: has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairm MORE