Other Words for Mountain

Mountain Noun Synonyms
heap, pile, stack, mound, accumulation, abundance, mass, ton(s), heaps, piles, stacks
I have a mountain of laundry to do.

height, elevation, mount, eminence, prominence, peak, alp, tor, summit, fell, Irish English ben
Her favourite sport is climbing mountains.

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More Words for Mountain

Mass / Stack / Pile / Abundance

Black Mountain Poets

Lifestyle / Poetry / Black Mountain Poets: Charles olson, robert creeley, and robert duncan, all associated with black mountain college, north carolina, and all promoting a non-traditional poetics. MORE

Gayo Mountain

Lifestyle / Coffee / Gayo Mountain: Market name for coffee exported by a large processing center and mill in Aceh Province, northern Sumatra. Wet-processed Gayo Mountain tends to be a clean but often underpowered version of the Sumatra MORE

Fault-Block Mountain

Science / Geology / Fault-Block Mountain: A mountain or range formed as a horst when it was elevated between parallel normal faults. MORE

Mountain Wave

Science / Weather / Mountain Wave: A wave in the atmosphere caused by a barrier, such as a mountain. Sometimes it is marked by lenticular clouds to the lee side of mountain barriers. May be called a standing wave or a lee wave. MORE

Intermountain High

Science / Weather / Intermountain High: An area of high pressure that occurs during the winter between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra-Cascade ranges. It blocks the eastward movement of Pacific cyclones. Also called Plateau High or Great MORE

Mountain Breeze

Science / Weather / Mountain Breeze: A katabatic wind, it is formed at night by the radiational cooling along mountainsides. As the slopes become colder than the surrounding atmosphere, the lower levels of air cool and drain to the lowes MORE