Other Words for Mass

Mass Noun Synonyms
pile, heap, mountain, load, stack, mound, bunch, bundle, lot, batch, quantity, hoard, store, collection, accumulation, aggregation, agglomeration, congeries, assortment, miscellany, assemblage, conglomeration
There was a mass of boulders at the bottom of the cliff.

dimension, size, magnitude, bulk, bigness, massiveness, enormousness, immensity
The very mass of the elephant made it a hard target to miss.

amass, pile or heap up, gather
Thunderclouds began to mass over the mountains.

block, concretion, chunk, lump, hunk, nugget
A mass of sludge was clogging the valve.

aggregate, accumulate, collect, assemble, congregate, meet, get or come together, gather, forgather or foregather, throng, convene, flock together, rally, group, cluster, marshal, muster, mobilize
Thousands of people massed in front of the embassy. The massed bands made a tremendous noise.

majority, best or better or greater part, bulk, body, preponderance, almost all, lion's share
The great mass of the votes was still uncounted.

Mass Verb Synonyms
abundance, quantity, profusion, volume, multitude, horde, host, mob, crowd, throng, drove(s), herd(s), swarm(s), legion(s), score(s), number(s), bunch(es), ton(s), mountain, piles, bags, barrels, oodles, lots, oceans, loads, scads, mess, slew(s)
A mass of bills awaited my return from a trip abroad. Masses of people greeted us at the airport.

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More Words for Mass

Pile / Block / Lot / Abundance / Gather / Store / Group / Host / Stack / Lump / Meet

Continental Air Mass

Science / Weather / Continental Air Mass: An air mass with continental characteristics. It is a secondary characteristic of an air mass classification, signified by the small 'c' before the primary characteristic, which is based on source reg MORE

Thai Yoga Massage

Health / Massage / Thai Yoga Massage: Blends Thai massage, yoga and Ayurvedic principles. MORE


Health / Massage / Bindegewebsmassage: This technique is based on the theory that any disruption or imbalance in any portion of the body affects the entire system, specifically the autonomic, central nervous, and hormonal systems. Any disr MORE

Maritime Air Mass

Science / Weather / Maritime Air Mass: An air mass influenced by the sea. It is a secondary characteristic of an air mass classification, signified by the small 'm' before the primary characteristic, which is based on source region. For ex MORE

Air Mass Thunderstorm

Science / Weather / Air Mass Thunderstorm: A thunderstorm that is produced by convection within an unstable air mass through an instability mechanism. Such thunderstorms normally occur within a tropical or warm, moist air mass during the summe MORE

Pregnancy Massage

Health / Massage / Pregnancy Massage: Performed by a trained perinatal specialist, many methods of massage and somatic therapies are both effective and safe prenatally and during labor and postpartum periods of women?€™s pregnancies. MORE