Mean Adjective Synonyms
unkind, malicious, cruel, unaccommodating, disobliging
It was very mean of you to steal that toy from the baby.
disgraceful, run-down, poor, sorry, miserable, scruffy, seedy, scurvy, shabby, squalid, wretched, vile, mangy, sordid, contemptible, dismal, dreary, abysmal
They live in very mean circumstances.
average, middle, norm, (happy) medium
We are attempting to achieve the mean between the two extremes.
cantankerous, churlish, nasty, hostile, ill-tempered, bad-tempered, sour, unpleasant
That mean old lady would never even talk to us.
excellent, wonderful, marvelous, great, exceptional, effective, skilful, skilled, far-out, bad
The saxophonist in that combo is one mean cat.
denote, signify, indicate, note, specify, designate, represent, betoken, signal, carry, convey, drive at, refer to, allude to, communicate, express, bring out, get over or across, imply, suggest, connote, intimate, hint (at)
What does 'canicular' mean? It depends on what you mean by 'liberty'. The footprints meant that someone had already been here.
Mean Noun Synonyms
intend, design, purpose, plan, aim, have in mind, contemplate, have in view, want, wish, expect, hope, be motivated by, have as justification
I did mean to phone you but had no time. I am sure she meant nothing by her remark.
middle, centre, intermediate, medial, medium, median, average, middling
The mean temperature for the year has increased.
Mean Verb Synonyms
portend, show, foretell, foreshadow, promise, presage, augur, herald
Those clouds mean that it will soon rain.
stingy, miserly, tight, close, cheap, parsimonious, penurious, stinting, niggardly, penny-pinching, tight-fisted, close-fisted, mercenary, uncharitable, ungenerous, mean-spirited, unaccommodating, small, petty, near, money-grubbing, measly
He is far too mean to buy anyone a Christmas present. It seems rather a mean contribution to the fund, given his wealth.
carry or have the weight or significance or importance of
Money means little to someone in her circumstances.
lowly, low, base, inferior, abject, menial, servile, degraded, degenerate, undignified, ignoble, plebeian, proletarian, modest, humble, common
He rose to a position of great power in spite of his mean background.
Search Google for Mean:
Low / Purpose / Base / Close / Show / Common / Cheap / Unkind / Humble / Want / Poor / Indicate / Norm / Note / Tight / Near
Technology / Aviation / Mean Sea Level (MSL): The average height of the surface of the sea for all stages of tide: used as a reference for elevations, and differentiated from AGL. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Relative Mean Sea Level Change: A local change in mean sea level relative to a network of bench marks established in the most stable and permanent material available (bedrock, if possible) on the land adjacent to the tide station lo MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Diurnal Tide Level (MDTL): A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of mean higher high water and mean lower low water. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Absolute Mean Sea Level Change: An eustatic change in mean sea level relative to a conventional terrestrial coordinate system with the origin at the center of mass of the Earth. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Extra-Textual Meaning: Meaning that originates not in the text being read, but in another related text. The most common type of extra-textual meaning is an allusion, in which an author briefly refers to a character, event, MORE
Science / Geology / Meandering Stream: A stream that has many bends (meanders). This type of drainage pattern usually develops on a nearly level landscape and where the banks of the stream are easily eroded. MORE