Other Words for Near

Near Adjective Synonyms
stingy, mean, niggardly, miserly, parsimonious, penurious, cheap, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, selfish, close, tight-fisted, close-fisted
He is so near he begrudged me even a cup of tea.

close to, in the vicinity or neighborhood of, next to, adjacent to, within reach of, within a mile of, a stone's throw from, not far (away) from
She wouldn't allow the doctor to come near her. I live near the railway.

close, narrow, hairbreadth
Although I escaped, it was a near thing.

approach, draw near or nigh, come close or closer, verge on, approximate on, lean towards
As summer nears, I think of going on holiday. The ship neared port. His estimate is beginning to near mine.

close, intimate, connected, related, attached
In case of emergency, list the name and address of a near relative.

Near Adverb Synonyms
nearby, close, adjacent, next-door, close-by, adjoining, abutting, neighbouring, contiguous
My nearest neighbors live a mile away.

close, imminent, immediate, impending, looming, coming, approaching, forthcoming, in the offing, at hand
We hope to settle the pollution problem in the near future. The time is near for me to go.

Near Noun Synonyms
close to, next to
Don't go near the edge.

close (by or at hand), not far (off or away), nearby, nigh, in or into the vicinity or neighborhood, within (easy) reach
Draw near and listen to my tale.

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