Other Words for Maximum

Maximum Noun Synonyms
zenith, pinnacle, peak, limit, apex, acme, apogee, climax, crest, high(est) point, top, summit
Her career reached its maximum in the 1930s.

maximal, greatest, most, utmost, uttermost, superlative, supreme, paramount, extreme, highest, top, topmost, climactic, crowning
The maximum amount that I can afford for a car is $2000.

most, utmost, uttermost, greatest, peak, extreme, extremity, pinnacle, top, highest, (upper) limit
Turn the volume up to the maximum.

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More Words for Maximum

Limit / Top

Annual Maximum Benefit Amount

Health / Health Insurance / Annual Maximum Benefit Amount: The maximum dollar amount set by an MCO that limits the total amount the plan must pay for all healthcare services provided to a subscriber in a year. MORE

Lifetime Maximum Benefit Amount

Health / Health Insurance / Lifetime Maximum Benefit Amount: The maximum dollar amount set by an MCO that limits the total amount the plan must pay for all healthcare services provided to a subscriber in the sub-scriber's lifetime. MORE

Maximum Heart Rate

Health / Fitness / Maximum Heart Rate: The maximum number of times your heart should beat in a minute without dangerously overexerting yourself. MORE

Maximum Sustainable Yield

Science / Marine Biology / Maximum Sustainable Yield: In fisheries biology, the maximum catch obtainable per unit time under the appropriate fishing rate MORE

Maximum Benefit Period (Benefit Duration)

Health / Dentistry / Maximum Benefit Period (Benefit Duration): This is the maximum length of time for which benefits are payable under the plan as long as the employee remains continuously disabled. MORE

Lifetime Maximum Benefit

Health / Health Insurance / Lifetime Maximum Benefit: (or Maximum Lifetime Benefit) the maximum amount a health plan will pay in benefits to an insured individual during that individual's lifetime. MORE