Health / Health Insurance / Lifetime Maximum Benefit Amount: The maximum dollar amount set by an MCO that limits the total amount the plan must pay for all healthcare services provided to a subscriber in the sub-scriber's lifetime.
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Amount Noun Synonyms: quantity, volume, mass, expanse, bulk, supply, lot, number, magnitude
Amount Verb Synonyms: a add up to, total, aggregate, come (up) to
Benefit Verb Synonyms: improve, aid, help, better, promote, further, advance, forward
Benefit Noun Synonyms: advantage, profit, good, sake, gain, aid, help, service
Maximum Noun Synonyms: most, utmost, uttermost, greatest, peak, extreme, extremity, pinnacle, top, highest, (upper) limit
Health / Dentistry / Minimum Monthly Benefit: There is usually a minimum amount paid as a monthly benefit after reductions for 'Other Income Benefits'. MORE
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Technology / Aviation / Maximum Takeoff Weight: The maximum weight of any aircraft on takeoff without exceeding its load factor. (MTOW) MORE
Business / Finance / Net Benefit To Leverage Factor: A linear approximation of a number, that enables one to operationalize the total impact of leverage on firm value in the capital market imperfections view of capital structure. MORE
Business / Finance / Notional Principal Amount: In an interest rate swap, the predetermined dollar principal on which the exchanged interest payments are based. MORE