Initiative Noun Synonyms
first move or step, lead, opening move
Hogan took the initiative by winning the first set.
enterprise, aggressiveness, drive, ambition, ambitiousness, resourcefulness, leadership, dynamism, energy, vigor, hustle, get-up-and-go, pep, snap, zip, zing
At least she had the initiative to get the company back on a profitable basis.
Search Google for Initiative:
Business / Agriculture / Food Safety Initiative: A 1997 interagency initiative among the Food and Drug Administration, Center For Disease Control, Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Department of Agriculture to implement a series of coordinat MORE
Science / Genetics / Human Genome Initiative: Collective name for several projects begun in 1986 by doe to create an ordered set of dna segments from known chromosomal locations, develop new computational methods for analyzing genetic map and dna MORE
Business / Agriculture / School Meals Initiative For Healthy Children: Initiative undertaken by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to revise and update the nutrition standards of school meals and bring them into compliance with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and MORE
Business / Agriculture / Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI): A program started by USDA under its discretionary authority in 1991 and then specifically authorized by the FAIR Act of 1996 to provide increased technical and educational assistance to conserve and e MORE
Business / Agriculture / Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI): A permanent program designed to increase private investment, trade, and tourism in Caribbean countries, initially created by the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act of 1983 and amended several times MORE
Business / Agriculture / Water Quality Initiative: A multi-agency effort, initiated by USDA in 1990, to determine relationships between agricultural activities and water quality, and develop and implement strategies that protect surface and groundwate MORE