Individual Stop-Loss Coverage

Health / Health Insurance / Individual Stop-Loss Coverage: A type of stop-loss insurance that provides benefits for claims on an individual that exceed a stated amount in a given period. Also known as specific stop-loss coverage.
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Other Words for Individual

Individual Adjective Synonyms: single, sole, particular, separate, distinct, discrete, solitary, lone

Individual Stop-Loss Coverage

Health / Health Insurance / Individual Stop-Loss Coverage: A type of stop-loss insurance that provides benefits for claims on an individual that exceed a stated amount in a given period. Also known as specific stop-loss coverage. MORE

Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA)

Business / Taxes / Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA): An individual retirement arrangement (IRA), which may be set up as either an account or an annuity, allows people with earned income to contribute to a tax-deferred traditional IRA or a tax-free Roth MORE

Individual Tax Return

Business / Finance / Individual Tax Return: A provision of the law governing IRA's that enables a retiree or anyone receiving a lump-sum payment from a pension, profit-sharing, or salary reduction plan to transfer the amount into an IRA. MORE

Individualized Educational Plan

Lifestyle / Adoption / Individualized Educational Plan: IEP, a plan for educational support services and outcomes developed for students enrolled in special education programs. MORE

Initiate Coverage

Business / Finance / Initiate Coverage: A company's first sale of stock to the public. Securities offered in an IPO are often, but not always, those of young, small companies seeking outside equity capital and a public market for their stoc MORE

Individual Retirement Annuity

Business / Taxes / Individual Retirement Annuity: An individual retirement annuity is one type of individual retirement arrangement. It resembles the better-known individual retirement account in most ways, such as annual contribution limits, catch-u MORE