History Adjective Synonyms
news, summary, recapitulation, report, intelligence, information
The history of these events is recounted in a book by Robinson.
account, story, record, description, depiction, portrayal, representation, telling, retelling, recital, narration, narrative, relation, retailing
Washington Irving's Knickerbocker's History of New York begins with the creation of the world.
History Noun Synonyms
past, background, life, experiences, adventures, story, biography
This woman appears to have had a rather curious history. The history of your years in Polynesia would make an interesting book.
ancient history, the past, yesterday, the (good old) days, days of yore, olden days, yesteryear, antiquity
What can history tell us about the future.
chronicle, annals, record, account
The history of Parliamentary debate can be traced through Hansard.
record, experience, information, biography, CV or curriculum vitae,
Your entire work history should be included in your application.
Search Google for History:
Business / Finance / Investment History: The history of a member firm that establishes certain norms in respect of its investment practice. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Search History: Many search engines store user search history information. This data can be used for better ad targeting or to make old information more findable. Search engines may also determine what a document is MORE
Health / Massage / Medical History: In clinical medicine, the patient's past and present which may contain clues bearing on their health past, present, and future. The medical history, being an account of all medical events and problems MORE
Lifestyle / Holiday / Black History Month: Black History Month started in 1926 in the United States as Negro History Week. February was chosen because both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass have birthdays in that month. Organizations cele MORE
Business / Agriculture / Actual Production History (APH): A measure of an individual farmer?€™s annual production of a commodity over a multi-year period. The APH serves as the basis for the farmer?€™s 'normal' crop yield in the crop insurance progra MORE
Science / Biology / Life History: The age at sexual maturity, age at death, and age at other events in an individuals lifetime that infiuence reproductive traits. MORE