News Noun Synonyms
tidings, word, information, advice, intelligence, rumour, talk, gossip, hearsay, dirt, scandal, expos‚, info, low-down, scoop, scuttlebutt, dope
What's the latest news about the situation in the Middle East? .
(good) copy, front-page news, (hot) item
The royal family is always news.
newscast, news broadcast or telecast, news programme, newsflash
Please be quiet so that I can listen to the news.
Search Google for News:
Technology / Television (TV) / Hard News: Refers to news stories that examine events which affect society as a whole (e.g., national politics and international relations). MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Soft News: News stories that examine the personal, such as gossip, scandal, murder, mayhem, and 'human interest' stories. MORE
Business / Finance / News Out: Refers to over-the-counter trading. A news story concerning the stock being considered has recently been posted on one of the news services, such as the Dow Jones News Service or Reuters. A courtesy s MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Electronic News Gathering (ENG): The video recording of news events or actualities. MORE
Business / Finance / Buy On The Bad News: Buying stock shortly after a price drop resulting from bad news from the company. Investors believe that the price has hit bottom and will trend upward. See: Bottom fisher. MORE
Business / Finance / Selling On The Good News: A strategy of selling stock shortly after a company announces good news and the stock price rises. Investors believe that the price is as high as it can go and is on the brink of going down. MORE