Head Adjective Synonyms
head up, be in or take charge (of), direct, supervise, oversee, control, govern, run, (take the) lead, guide, manage, command, rule, administer, conduct
Who will head the organization if you resign.
skull, pate, cranium, dome, coco(nut), belfry, noggin, bean, nut, rocker, noodle, gourd, conk, crumpet, noddle, loaf
She laid her head on the pillow and fell sound asleep.
chief, leader, administrator, chief executive officer, CEO, (managing) director, MD, president, chairman, chairwoman, chairlady, chairperson, chair, employer, principal, superintendent, supervisor, governor, prime minister, headmaster, headmistress
The new head has called a meeting of the board of directors.
Head Noun Synonyms
front, vanguard, forefront, van, fore-part
At the head of the column marched the general himself.
top, first place, leading position, leadership, forefront
Albert is at the head of his class in mathematics.
source, origin, fount, font, fountain-head, well-spring
We were trying to reach the head of the stream before nightfall.
go, move, proceed, turn, steer, aim, point, head for, make a beeline for
I shall head home when I leave here.
crisis, apex, (critical or turning) point, peak, crest, (fever) pitch, climax, culmination, conclusion, crescendo
Matters have been brought to a head because of the coming elections.
first, chief, main, principal, leading, premier, foremost, prime, pre-eminent, cardinal, paramount, supreme, superior, senior
Alphonse is our new head chef.
aptitude, intellect, intelligence, talent, perception, perceptiveness, mentality, faculty, flair, genius, brain, mind, wit, brains, grey matter
I have no head for figures.
Search Google for Head:
Chief / First / Origin / Main / Move / Leader / Turn / Go / Front / Guide / Brain / Run / Point / Chair / Control / Top
Technology / Home Audio / Permalloy Tape Head: A cassette tape head constructed of permalloy, an alloy made primarily of nickel and iron, used for its superior high wear resistance and permeability, offering superior frequency response at a low co MORE
Technology / Computers / Headend: Central distribution point for a CATV system. Video signals are received here from satellites and maybe other sources, frequency converted to the appropriate channels, combined with locally originated MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Head Of Tide: The inland or upstream limit of water affected by the tide. For practical application in the tabulation for computation of tidal datums, head of tide is the inland or upstream point where the mean ran MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Single Overhead Cam (SOHC): A single cam shaft found in the head or top of the engine that activates the valves. (Compare DOHC). MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Overhead Camshaft (OHC): A camshaft in an internal-combustion engine that is mounted within the cylinder heads, above the combustion chambers, and drives the valves or lifters directly instead of using pushrods. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Overhead Valve (OHV): A type of piston engine that places the camshaft in the cylinder block and uses pushrods or rods to actuate rocker arms above the cylinder head to actuate the valves. Lifters or tappets reside in the MORE