Run Noun Synonyms
demand, call, request
Bouillon cubes seem to have enjoyed quite a run lately.
type, category, class, kind, sort
Mark seems to be a bit more refined than the usual run of guest at Lisa's parties.
go, cover, pass over, sprint, race
He ran the mile in just under four minutes.
period, spate, interval, time, spell, stretch, course, engagement, booking, patch
Roger has had a run of bad luck and could use some help. The show had a long run on Broadway.
return, satisfaction, reward, recompense, compensation, requital, expiation, atonement, repayment, remuneration
Although the odds are never in your favor, you get a good run for your money at Diamond Lil's Gambling Emporium.
stream, brook, runnel, creek, rill, rivulet, beck, burn, branch, kill
There is a small run at the bottom of the hill.
access, freedom, liberty
The children had the run of the house for a week while their parents were away.
series, sequence, stream, spate, string, succession, progression
Will attributed his poor showing at the tournament to a bad run of cards.
Run Verb Synonyms
incur, invite, encourage, attract, be subjected to
Aren't you running a risk asking Sheila to handle your money.
wander, rove, roam, meander, drift
Some farmers allow their animals to run free, rather than penning them up.
pass, flow, pour, stream, flood, gush, spill, dribble, spurt, issue, move, trickle, seep, discharge, cascade, spout
You can see where the rainwater has run down this crack in the roof and into the room below.
melt, liquefy, dissolve, fuse
It was so hot that the icing on top of the cake began to melt and run down the sides.
sprint, race, scamper, scurry, scud, dart, bolt, dash, flit, tear (along), scoot, scuttle, zip, whiz or whizz, gallop, jog, trot, lope, rush, hurry (up), hasten, scramble, hustle, step lively, hop (to) it, step on it, put on some speed, hie, Collo
If you run, you might catch her before she gets on the train.
route, routine, circuit, passage, trip, cycle, round, beat
I was on the Murmansk run during the war.
trip, journey, visit, drive, expedition, trek, outing, excursion, jaunt, junket, sojourn, spin, joyride
He has to make a run over to Paris for the weekend, supposedly on business.
flow, diffuse
The color ran when he washed his red underwear with some white shirts in very hot water.
extend, stretch, reach, amount, add up, total up, come (up)
The balance of payments deficit is running to twice last year's figure. His bill at the restaurant last night ran to more than $200.
convey, transport, give (someone) a lift, drive, take, bring
Tom said he would run me home in his new car.
sprint, dash, race, jog, trot
They go for a two-mile run every morning before breakfast.
unravel, come undone, ladder
My stocking ran just before I had to leave for the dance.
be in effect or force, be effective, have force or effect
This lease has another year to run.
operate, manage, direct, supervise, oversee, conduct, superintend, control, handle, manipulate, head, carry on, lead, regulate, take care of, look after, administer, be in charge of, coordinate
She must be a terrifically high achiever to run a huge international conglomerate like that.
run away or off, flee, escape, take flight, take to one's heels, bolt, decamp, make off, clear out, show a clean pair of heels, abscond, cut and run, (beat a (hasty)) retreat, retire, make a getaway, (make a) run for it, beat it, scram, skedaddle,
The minute the enemy appeared, the entire troop ran. Cavendish ran, hoping the police wouldn't catch him.
keep, maintain, support, sustain, manage
It is very expensive to run a large house.
bootleg, smuggle, deal or traffic in, rustle
During Prohibition, his father ran whisky from Canada to the.
Search Google for Run:
Class / Call / Round / Keep / Kind / Cover / Reach / Sort / Beat / Demand / Move / Flow / Head / Drive / Lead / Jog / Type / Support / Pass / Bring / Take / Stream / Transport / Stretch / Cycle / Bolt / Kill / Race / Control / Go / Spout / Patch
Entertainment / Baseball / Earned Run: A run scored on a hit, walk or steal, without benefit from a defensive error on the play. MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Hit And Run: Play-action situation in which the batter must swing at the pitch while the base runner attempts to steal the base. MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Run Down: A played used by fielders to tag out a runner caught between bases. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Volkerwanderung: Folk-wandering): Also called the Germanic migrations, this term refers to the mass migration of Germanic tribes westward across Europe between 375 CE and 750 CE. This demographic movement pushed the V MORE
Entertainment / Football / Run And Shoot: An offensive philosophy designed to force the defense to show its hand prior to the snap of the ball by splitting up receivers and sending them in motion. Receivers run patterns based on the play of t MORE
Entertainment / Football / Option Run: Usually, a type of play in which the quarterback has the option of handing off, keeping, or laterally passing to one or more backs. Often described by a type of formation or play action, such as tripl MORE