Flash Noun Synonyms
moment, (split) second, instant, twinkling (of an eye), trice, minute, two shakes (of a lamb's tail), jiffy, shake, before you can say 'Jack Robinson'
In a flash he was at her side.
race, speed, dash, streak, flick, tear, rush, hurry, hasten, fly, zoom, shoot, bolt, whistle, run, sprint, dart, scuttle, scamper, scoot, skedaddle, take off, whiz or whizz
The train flashed by, doing about 100.
blaze, flame, flare, burst, dazzle, spark, sparkle, coruscation, fulguration, glitter, twinkle, twinkling, flicker, flickering, scintilla, scintillation, glint, shimmer, glimmer, gleam, beam, ray, shaft
There was a blinding flash of blue light and the little man was gone.
(sudden or momentary) display, stroke, show, manifestation, outburst, outbreak, sign, indication, exhibition, touch, hint, suggestion
She has occasional flashes of insight bordering on genius.
burn, blaze, flame, flare, burst (out), dazzle, spark, sparkle, coruscate, fulgurate, glitter, twinkle, flicker, scintillate, shimmer, glimmer, gleam, beam, glare, shine
The light flashed every eight seconds.
Flash Verb Synonyms
dazzling, showy, ostentatious, smart, chic, swish, classy, ritzy, snazzy
Barbara's new car looks very flash.
Search Google for Flash:
Sign / Instant / Swish / Show / Spark / Shoot / Smart / Dazzling / Bolt / Dazzle / Speed / Twinkling / Shimmer / Run / Race / Shine / Shaft
Entertainment / Photography / Electronic Flash: Artificial lighting produced by an electronic discharge in a gas filled tube. A single tube can produce a large number of flashes. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Dedicated Flash: Flash gun designed to integrate automatically into a cameras exposure reading and shutter circuitry. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Multiple Flash: Is the use of more than one flash unit, usually operating simultaneously to light a subject. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Thyristor Flash Gun: Automatic flash gun which cuts off the flash when the exposure is correct. This conserves power, makes recycling quicker, and battery life longer. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Piezo-Electric Flash: Tiny flash bulbs (normally housed in flash cubes) which can be fired by a very low current produced by striking a piezo-electric crystal. Such bulbs can therefore be used without a battery. MORE
Technology / Digital Cameras / Fill Flash: A flash technique used to brighten deep shadow areas, typically outdoors on sunny days. Some digital cameras include a fill flash mode that forces the flash to fire, even in bright light. MORE