Other Words for Sense

Sense Adjective Synonyms
meaning, intelligibility, coherence, head or tail, drift, gist, import, purport, nuance, significance, message, substance
I was unable to get any sense out of what she was saying. Yes, I wasn't able to make sense out of it either.

common sense, intelligence, perception, quick-wittedness, quickness, (mother) wit, judgment, reason, wisdom, sagacity, discrimination, discernment, sanity, brains, nous
Fancy doing something like that! - she hasn't the sense she was born with.

It's not always easy to tell if Brown's senses are all functioning.

Sense Noun Synonyms
feel, perceive, detect, divine, intuit, have a hunch or feeling, have or get or be under the impression that, suspect, have a funny feeling that, feel (something) in one's bones, pick up
I sensed a certain antagonism in that last remark. I sensed that he was getting bored with me.

sentiment, atmosphere, impression, intuition, sensation
I had a sense of being de trop - that I was not wanted.

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More Words for Sense

Import / Suspect / Substance / Judgment / Sentiment / Feel

Somatic Senses

Science / Biology / Somatic Senses: All senses except vision, hearing, taste, and smell; include pain, temperature, and pressure. MORE


Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / AdSense: Google's contextual advertising network. Publishers large and small may automatically publish relevant advertisements near their content and share the profits from those ad clicks with Google. AdSense MORE

Nonsense Verse

Lifestyle / Poetry / Nonsense Verse: Lines that read like word-salad, where individually the terms may be recognizable but in their order and grammatical relations make no sense, or where common words accompany neologisms in expressions MORE

Special Senses

Science / Biology / Special Senses: Vision, hearing, taste, and smell. MORE

Nonsense Mutation

Science / Genetics / Nonsense Mutation: A mutation in which a codon is changed to a stop codon, resulting in a truncated protein product. MORE

Sense Memory

Technology / Television (TV) / Sense Memory: Technique of method acting style in which the actor draws upon memories of physical sensations of an emotional event in order to generate emotional memory. MORE