Other Words for District

District Noun Synonyms
territory, region, section, sector, division, partition, part, precinct, locality, area, locale, department, province, community, quarter, neighborhood, ward
We need a new hospital in our district.

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More Words for District

Part / Section / Partition

Soil Conservation District

Business / Agriculture / Soil Conservation District: A legal subdivision of state government, with a locally elected governing body, responsible for developing and carrying out a program of soil and water conservation within a geographic boundary, usual MORE

Agricultural District

Business / Agriculture / Agricultural District: A planning term which defines an area in which farming is the preferred economic activity. Districts may be voluntarily created by landowners who receive benefits, usually in return for not developing MORE

Conservation Districts (Soil And Water Conservation District)

Business / Agriculture / Conservation Districts (Soil And Water Conservation District): A legal subdivision of a state government, with an elected governing body, which develops and implements soil and water conservation programs within a certain area, usually coinciding with county line MORE

Grazing District

Business / Agriculture / Grazing District: An administrative unit of BLM-managed rangelands established by the Secretary of the Interior under Section 3 of the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934. MORE

Heida (Païen)

Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Heida (Païen): White-wine grape found in the Valais district of Switzerland. Of ancient origin it is thought to be identical to the Savagnin Blanc variety of French Savoie. MORE

National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (Nrtc)

Technology / Television (TV) / National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (Nrtc): This organization provides telecommunications services to rural electric and rural telephone cooperatives. If you live in a NRTC district, you cannot use directv services unless you go through your l MORE