Authority Noun Synonyms
power, jurisdiction, dominion, right, control, prerogative, authorization, hegemony
Who gave you the authority to tell me what to do? By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife.
word, testimony, evidence, say-so
Do not accept anything solely on the authority of the Herald .
expert, specialist, scholar, sage, judge, arbiter
Gardner is an authority on Scottish history.
Search Google for Authority:
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Apparent Authority: The appearance that an individual has the authority or power to act as an organization?€™s agent, even though the organization has bestowed no such authority or power to that individual. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Authority Site: A website which has many incoming links from other related expert/hub sites. Because of this simultaneous citation from trusted hubs an authority site usually has high trust, pagerank, and search resu MORE
Business / Real Estate / Implied Authority: The authority of an agent to perform acts which are reasonably necessary to accomplish the purpose of the agency. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Express Authority: The stated (written or verbal) authority of an agent. MORE
Business / Finance / Authority Bond: A bond issued by a government agency or a corporation created to manage a revenue-producing public enterprise. The difference between an authority bond and a municipal bond is that margin protections MORE
Business / Finance / Public Housing Authority Bond: Bonds of local public housing agencies that are secured by the federal government and whose proceeds are used to provide low-rent housing. MORE