Authority Site

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Authority Site: A website which has many incoming links from other related expert/hub sites. Because of this simultaneous citation from trusted hubs an authority site usually has high trust, pagerank, and search results placement. Wikipedia, is an example of an authority site.
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Other Words for Authority

Authority Noun Synonyms: power, jurisdiction, dominion, right, control, prerogative, authorization, hegemony

Other Words for Site

Site Verb Synonyms: location, place, plot, plat, spot, locale, area, milieu, neighborhood, locality, purlieus, placement, position, situation, orientation


Lifestyle / College / Prerequisite: Course required as preparation for entry into a more advanced academic course or program. MORE


Business / Finance / Perquisites: Personal benefits, including direct benefits, such as the use of a firm car or expense account for personal business, and indirect benefits, such as up-to-date office decoration. MORE


Science / Biology / Parasites: Organisms that live in, with, or on another organism. The parasites benefit from the association without contributing to the host, usually they cause some harm to the host. MORE

Prerequisite Courses

Lifestyle / College / Prerequisite Courses: This is a condition or requirement that must be met before enrolling in a course. To satisfy a prerequisite, you must receive a 'C' or better in the course to advance to the next class. MORE

Public Housing Authority Bond

Business / Finance / Public Housing Authority Bond: Bonds of local public housing agencies that are secured by the federal government and whose proceeds are used to provide low-rent housing. MORE

Receptor Sites

Health / Dentistry / Receptor Sites: Areas in bone or soft tissue which are prepared to receive an implant. MORE