Technology / Television (TV) / Rep Firm: Media sales representation company with offices in major advertising centers which represents stations in various markets for national advertising sales.
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Firm Adjective Synonyms: steady, strong, sturdy, tight, unwavering, unshakable or unshakeable, unswerving
Firm Verb Synonyms: compact, solid, dense, compressed, condensed, concentrated, rigid, stiff, hard, unyielding, inflexible, inelastic
Technology / Email / Confirmation: An acknowledgment of a subscription or information request. 'Confirmation' can be either a company statement that the email address was successfully placed on a list, or a subscriber's agreement that MORE
Health / Fitness / Repetition (Rep): One complete motion of an exercise, often used in reference to strength training. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Repetition: Within a form, repetition fixes the musical material in our mind and satisfies our need for the familiar: it provides unity to a form. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Repetition Compulsion: In psychoanalytic theory, the impulse to reenact earlier emotional experiences. Considered by Freud to be more fundamental than the pleasure principle. Defined by Jones in the following way: The blind MORE
Science / Genetics / Repetitive DNA: Sequences of varying lengths that occur in multiple copies in the genome: it represents much of the human genome. MORE