Technology / Television (TV) / RGB: The abbreviation for red, green and blue signals, the primary colors of light (and television). Cameras and telecines have red, blue and green receptors, the TV screen has red, green and blue phosphors illuminated by red, green and blue guns. Much of the picture monitoring in a production center is in RGB. RGB is digitized with 4:4:4 sampling which occupies 50 percent more data than 4:2:2.
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Red Green Blue (RGB)

Technology / Digital Cameras / Red Green Blue (RGB): The three colors to which the human visual system, digital cameras and many other devices are sensitive. MORE


Technology / Television (TV) / Scart: Standard AV-connector used in AV equipments designed for European markets almost almost every modern TV in Europe has this connector. This 21 pin connector can carry composite video, RGB, audio and so MORE

Plasma Display

Technology / Television (TV) / Plasma Display: A Plasma TV Display uses hundreds-of-thousands of miniature, embedded cells to produce a picture. Each cell equals one pixel, (picture element) and has three sub-cells. The three sub-cells are filled MORE