Technology / Television (TV) / Metro Area: A U.S. Government definition: the counties that comprise each Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area.
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Area Noun Synonyms: space, room
Technology / Television (TV) / Total Survey Area (TSA): A geographic area term: includes metro area and any additional counties where a statistically significant amount of viewing can be attributed to stations originating in the metro area. These outlying MORE
Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Area Benefits: Benefits the health plan provides to covered persons for covered services obtained outside of the network service area. The details of such benefits will vary from plan to plan. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Overlay Area Code: A solution to the scarcity of new phone numbers, overlays involve issuance of new 10-digit phone numbers for use alongside an area's existing seven-digit numbers, which have a different area code. MORE
Technology / Rockets / Port Area: The cross section of a core, perforation or port - used in Hybrid tocalculate G (Mass Flux Rate). MORE
Technology / Aviation / Prohibited Area: Airspace designated under FAR Part 73 within which no person may operate an aircraft without the permission of the using agency. It is most always distinctly marked on the VFR sectional maps. MORE
Science / Biology / Nuclear Area: In prokaryotic cells, a region containing the cells genetic information. Unlike the nucleus in eukaryotic cells, it is not surrounded by a membrane. MORE