Technology / Television (TV) / Method: Naturalist performance style which encourages the actor to become the character, at which point the gestures/dialects necessary for the performance will emerge organically: approaches used to achieve this union between actor and character are emotional memory, sense memory and improvisation.
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Method Adjective Synonyms: way, means, procedure, approach, route, avenue, road, mode, manner, technique, process, routine, modus operandi, plan, scheme, programme, course, routine, practice, pattern, system, methodology, M.O.
Health / Massage / Rosen Method Bodywork: Using gentle, nonintrusive touch, Rosen Method works with held muscles to bring about physical and emotional awareness through relaxation. Developed by Marion Rosen, this technique utilizes both sensi MORE
Business / Finance / Residual Method: A method of allocating the purchase price for the acquisition of another firm among the acquired assets. MORE
Health / Massage / Rubenfeld Synergy Method: Founded by Ilana Rubenfeld, this method integrates elements of two great body/mind teachers, F.M. Alexander and Moshe Feldenkrais, together with the Gestalt theory and practice of Fritz and Laura Perl MORE
Business / Finance / Double-Declining-Balance Depreciation Method (DDB): Method of accelerated depreciation. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Modified-Range Ratio Method: A tidal datum computation method. Generally used for the East Coast, Gulf Coast, and Caribbean Island stations. Values needed are mean tide level (MTL), mean diurnal tide level (DTL), mean range of ti MORE
Health / Massage / Feldenkrais Method: Developed by Russian-born Israeli educator Moshe Feldenkrais, this method establishes new connections between the brain and body through movement reeducation. One of two formats of instruction is used MORE