Gross Rating Points (GRP)

Technology / Television (TV) / Gross Rating Points (GRP): The sum of individual telecast ratings on a total program basis or advertiser commercial schedule, without regard to duplication. For example, 10 announcements each with a 10 rating would produce a total of 100 grps.
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Other Words for Gross

Gross Adjective Synonyms: coarse, vulgar, crude, unsophisticated, uncultured, uncultivated, earthy, crass, indelicate, indecent, inappropriate, unseemly, improper, unrefined, bawdy, ribald, Rabelaisian, raw, rude, offensive, obscene, lewd, dirty, smutty, pornographic, filthy
Gross Noun Synonyms: fat, obese, corpulent, overweight, big, large, bulky, great, heavy, ponderous, massive, cumbersome, unwieldy
Gross Verb Synonyms: total, aggregate, entire, pre-tax, (all-)inclusive, overall, whole

Non-Operating Interest

Science / Geology / Non-Operating Interest: A mineral lease interest that does not involve the rights and responsibilities of exploration, development, or production. A royalty interest is a non-operating interest. MORE

Nonoperating Assets

Business / Accounting / Nonoperating Assets: Investment and other assets not used in a business but held to earn a return separate from operations. MORE

NTRP Rating

Entertainment / Tennis / NTRP Rating: A tennis rating system which consists of a scale from 1 to 7 with a 1 being an absolute beginner and 7 a touring pro. MORE

Non-Operating Income

Business / Finance / Non-Operating Income: Income not related to the ongoing operations of a company; for example, interest income and sale of fixed assets. MORE

Non-Operating Expense

Business / Finance / Non-Operating Expense: Expenses not related to the ongoing operations of a company; for example, interest expense, one-time events, and taxes. MORE

Net Operating Margin

Business / Finance / Net Operating Margin: The ratio of net operating income to net sales. MORE