Technology / Television (TV) / A-D: Analog to digital conversion (or converter). Used at transmission end of broadcast.
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Business / Taxes / Advance-Decline (A-D) Line: The advance-decline line graphs the ratio of stocks that have risen in value ?€” the advancers ?€” to stocks that have fallen in value ?€” the decliners ?€” over a particular trading p MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Six Sigma: Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven methodology used to eliminate defects and improve processes and cut costs from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. MORE
Health / Fitness / Spinning: A popular group studio cycling program invented by ultra-distance cyclist Johnny G. And licensed by Schwinn, which manufactures the bikes used in these classes. MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Blanc Du Bois: White-wine producer cultivar with Muscat-like flavor released (1987) for use in Florida where it has had medal winning success for vaguely Riesling-like varietal still wine and sparkling wine blends. MORE