
Technology / Motors / Voltage: The force that causes a current to flow in an electrical circuit. Analogous to pressure in hydraulics, voltage is often referred to as electrical pressure. The voltage of a motor is usually determined by the supply to which it is being attached. NEMA requires that the motor be able to carry their rated horsepower at nameplate voltage plus or minus 10% although not necessarily at the rated temperature rise.
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Kirchoffs Voltage Law (KVL)

Technology / Home Audio / Kirchoffs Voltage Law (KVL): A law stating stating that the voltage supplied to a DC circuit must equal the sum of the voltage drops within the circuit . MORE

Voltage Stabilizer

Entertainment / Photography / Voltage Stabilizer: Is a transformer used to produce a steady output voltage despite fluctuations of input voltage. MORE

Vcf (Voltage Controlled Filter)

Technology / Home Audio / Vcf (Voltage Controlled Filter): An audio filter whose effective frequency band is controlled by varying its voltage rather than with a potentiometer. MORE