Technology / Motors / Intermittent Duty: A requirement of service that demands operation for alternate intervals of (1 ) load and no load: or (2) load and rest: or (3) load, no load and rest: such alternate intervals being definitely specified.
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Duty Adjective Synonyms: responsibility, obligation, burden, onus, devoir, office, work, task, assignment, job, stint, chore, occupation, calling, function, role, part, bit, charge
Duty Noun Synonyms: respect, deference, loyalty, fealty, fidelity, faithfulness, allegiance
Intermittent Noun Synonyms: irregular, discontinuous, disconnected, sporadic, occasional, random, spasmodic, fitful, broken, periodic, alternating, cyclic(al), rhythmic(al), pulsating, seasonal, on-and-off, on-again-off-again, stop-and-go, stop-go
Technology / Motors / Duty Cycle: The relationship between the operating and rest times or repeatable operation at different loads. A motor which can continue to operate within the temperature limits of its insulation system, after it MORE
Science / Geology / Intermittent Stream: A stream that goes dry at certain times of the year. Intermittent streams flow during seasons of the year when runoff and/or ground water contributions sustain the flow of the stream. They stop flowin MORE
Technology / Motors / Intermittent Duty: A requirement of service that demands operation for alternate intervals of (1 ) load and no load: or (2) load and rest: or (3) load, no load and rest: such alternate intervals being definitely specifi MORE
Health / Disease / Intermittent Epidemic: An intermittent epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of infection at a place that varies in location or in time, or both. There is no significant transmission be MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Intermittent-Reduced Schedule Leave: Under FMLA, intermittent and reduced schedule leave is used to describe leave that is not taken on a consecutive basis but rather taken in increments of days or hours. MORE
Business / Finance / Stamp Duty: All parties that have an interest, financial or otherwise, in a firm-stockholders, creditors, bondholders, employees, customers, management, the community, and the government. MORE