Inertial Load

Technology / Motors / Inertial Load: A load (flywheel, fan, etc.) which tends to cause the motor shaft to continue to rotate after the power has been removed (stored kinetic energy). If this continued rotation cannot be tolerated, some mechanical or electrical braking means must normally be applied . This application may require a special motor due to the energy required to accelerate the inertia. Inertia is measured in either lb.ft.2 or OZ.jn.2 Inertia reflected to the shaft of the motor = (Load RPM) 2/Motor RPM
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Other Words for Load

Load Noun Synonyms: pack, pile, stack, heap, fill, lade, stuff, cram, jam, squeeze
Load Verb Synonyms: weight, burden, onus, pressure, encumbrance, millstone, cross, albatross, responsibility, care, anxiety, worry, trouble

Loading The Gun

Entertainment / Basketball / Loading The Gun: Placing the ball in the shootng pocket with the wrist cocked ready to shoot. MORE


Business / Machine Shop / Loading: A condition caused by grinding the wrong material with a grinding wheel or using too heavy a grinding action. MORE

No-Load Fund

Business / Finance / No-Load Fund: A mutual fund that does not impose a sales commission. Related: Load fund, no-load mutual fund. MORE