
Technology / Motors / Horsepower: The measure of rate of work. One horsepower is equivalent to lifting 33,000 pounds to a height of one foot in one minute. The horsepower of a motor is expressed as a function of torque and rpm. For motors the following approximate formula may be used: HP = (T x RPM)/5250 where HP = horsepower, T = torque (in. lb.ft.), and RPM = revolutions per minute.
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Fractional-Horsepower Motor

Technology / Motors / Fractional-Horsepower Motor: A motor usually built in a frame smaller than that having a continuous rating of one horsepower, open construction, at 1700 -1800 rpm. Within NEMA frame sizes FHP encompasses the 42, 48 and 56 frames. MORE

Brake Horsepower (BHP)

Technology / Motorcycle / Brake Horsepower (BHP): The measure of an engine?€™s horsepower without the loss in power caused by the gearbox, generator, differential, water pump, and other auxiliary components. Horsepower delivered to the rear wheel MORE

Horsepower (HP)

Health / Fitness / Horsepower (HP): A measure of power calculated by multiplying torque times speed and dividing by a constant based on the unit of measure used. At the same torque, or pull on the belt, a reduction of speed results in a MORE