Technology / Motors / Form Factor: A figure of merit which indicates how much rectified current departs from pure (non-pulsating) DC. A large departure from unity form factor (pure DC, expressed as 1.0) increases the heating effect of the motor and reduces brush life. Mathematically, form factor is the ratio of the root-mean square (rms) value of the current to the average (av) current or Irms/lav.
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Factor Adjective Synonyms: constituent, ingredient, element, part, particular, piece, component, circumstance, consideration, aspect, fact, influence, determinant, cause
Form Adjective Synonyms: shape, configuration, conformation, order, organization, arrangement, formation, construction, structure, construct, frame, cut, cast, mould, pattern, appearance, manifestation
Form Noun Synonyms: blank, model, format, frame, framework, course, procedure, order, regimen, method, system, ritual, formula, rule(s), practice, technique, way, means, approach, mode, fashion, manner, style
Form Verb Synonyms: acquire, develop, cultivate, contract, get
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Performance Standards: The tasks, functions or behavioral requirements established by the employer as goals to be accomplished by an employee. MORE
Business / Finance / Performance Shares: Shares of stock given to managers on the basis of performance as measured by earnings per share and similar criteria. A control device shareholders sometimes use to tie management to the self-interest MORE
Entertainment / Fantasy Football / Performance Scoring System: A scoring system where players are given bonus points for passing/rushing/receiving milestones. For instance, some leagues will award one point for every 10 rushing yards. Or maybe five points for eve MORE