Compound Wound DC Motors

Technology / Motors / Compound Wound DC Motors: Designed with both a series and shunt field winding, the compound motor is used where the primary load requirement is heavy starting torque, and adjustable speed is not required. (See Paralleling) Also used for parallel operation. The load must tolerate a speed variation from full-load to no-load. Industrial machine applications include large planers, boring mills, punch presses, elevators, and small hoists.
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Other Words for Compound

Compound Noun Synonyms: put together, combine, mix, concoct, compose, make (up), formulate, blend
Compound Adjective Synonyms: composite, blend, synthesis, combination, consolidation, parasynthesis, parathesis, mixture, amalgam, alloy, merging, merger, mix
Compound Verb Synonyms: blend, merge, coalesce, combine, unite, fuse or also fuze, come or go together

Other Words for Wound

Wound Adjective Synonyms: damage, hurt, injury, trauma, traumatism, laceration, puncture, cut, gash, slash, lesion, bruise, contusion

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