Technology / Motorcycle / Float Bowl: The fuel reservoir on a carburettor into which fuel flow is controlled by a valve operated by a float.
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Bowl Noun Synonyms: dish, basin, pan
Bowl Verb Synonyms: move, trundle, wheel, roll, spin
Float Adjective Synonyms: hover, poise, bob, waft, be suspended, hang, sail, drift, glide, swim
Float Verb Synonyms: launch, establish, set up, organize, found, initiate, get going or moving
Float Noun Synonyms: (parade) exhibit or display
Technology / Aviation / Floatplane: A water-based aircraft with one or more mounted pontoons, as differentiated from a hulled SEAPLANE [Flying Boat], but often used generically. MORE
Business / Finance / Floating-Rate Preferred: In an interest rate swap, the counterparty who pays a rate based on a reference rate, usually in exchange for a fixed-rate payment. MORE
Business / Finance / Free Float: Securities industry procedure whereby delivery of securities sold is made to the buying customer's bank without requiring immediate payment; thus a credit agreement of sorts. Antithesis of delivery vs MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Free-Floating Anxiety: pervasive and unfocused anxiety. MORE
Business / Finance / In-House Processing Float: In the context of general equities, keeping an activity within the firm. For example, rather than go to the marketplace and sell a security for a client to anyone, an attempt is made to find a buyer t MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Google Bowling: Maliciously trying to lower a sites rank by sending it links from the ?€?bad neighborhood?€? - Kind of like yelling ?€?Good luck with that infection!?€? to your buddy as you get off the school MORE