Technology / Home Audio / Screw Type (Terminal): The most secure method of interconnecting the wire from the amplifier to a speaker. In its best realization, the terminal has a post with a hole drilled through it at the base, through which the incoming conductor is placed. A cap is then screwed down from the top of the terminal, compressing the wire below.
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Screw Verb Synonyms: helix, spiral, corkscrew
Screw Noun Synonyms: bolt, screw-bolt, machine screw, lag-bolt, lag-screw
Type Noun Synonyms: class, category, classification, kind, sort, genre, order, variety, breed, species, strain, group, genus, ilk, kidney
Type Adjective Synonyms: typewrite, keyboard, transcribe
Life Style / Wine / Screwcaps: The new alternative to sealing a wine with cork which, in case you hadn't realised, is tree bark. Another alternative is to use a synthetic cork. Why? Because cork, being a biological material, cannot MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Screw Type (Terminal): The most secure method of interconnecting the wire from the amplifier to a speaker. In its best realization, the terminal has a post with a hole drilled through it at the base, through which the incom MORE