
Technology / Home Audio / Linear: 1. Referring to mechanical movement, the ability of the voice coil to move in and out in the air gap without moving side-to-side. Non-linear movement can damage the voice coil. 2. Referring to woofer response, the ability to maintain power or movement without loss of drive force. 3. Referring to enclosure port operation, the relationship bewteen the amount of air moving through the port vs. The amount of air moved by the cone. Non-linear response in a port can cause audible distortion.
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Nonlinear Editing (NLE)

Technology / Television (TV) / Nonlinear Editing (NLE): Editing performed on a computer, in which shots do not have to be placed one after the other (i.e., in a linear fashion). MORE

Linear Programming

Business / Finance / Linear Programming: Technique for finding the maximum value of some equation, subject to stated linear constraints. MORE

Linear Phase Response

Technology / Home Audio / Linear Phase Response: Any system which accurately preserves phase relationships between frequencies. MORE