Technology / Aviation / Rudder: The movable vertical control surface used to rotate the airplane about its vertical axis. The pilot operates the rudder by the movement of the foot pedals in the cockpit.
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Technology / Aviation / Winglet: A small, stabilizing, rudderlike addition to the tips of a wing to control or employ air movement. MORE
Technology / Aviation / Crab: A rudder-controlled yawing motion to compensate for a crosswind in maintaining a desired flight path, as in a landing approach. MORE
Technology / Aviation / Fin: The fixed part of a vertical airfoil that controls the yaw of an aircraft: the movable part being the RUDDER. Sometime referred to as Vertical Stabilizer. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Hysteron-Proteron: Using anastrophe in a way that creates a catachresis (see under tropes), an impossible ordering on the literal level. For instance, Virgil has the despairing Trojans in the Aeneid cry out in despair a MORE