Technology / Aviation / Compass North: The North point at which a liquid compass needle points, rather than Geographical, or True, North. Compare MAGNETIC NORTH.
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Entertainment / Literature / North Germanic: The sub-branch of the Germanic languages that contains Swedish and Old Norse. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / North Midland Dialect: A dialect of American English spoke in a strip of land just south of the Northern Dialect. This should not be confused with the Midlands dialect of English spoken in Britain. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / North Pacific Current: A North Pacific Ocean cur-rent setting eastward from about 160?° east to somewhat beyond about 150?° west. It continues the flow of the Kuroshio Extension, sending branches to the south. MORE
Science / Weather / North Pacific High: A semi-permanent, subtropical area of high pressure in the North Pacific Ocean. It is strongest in the Northern Hemispheric summer and is displaced towards the equator during the winter when the Aleut MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / North Fork: Has synonym name G-2861. Variety released from the Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station in 1947. Reported as derived from a Agawam x Early Daisy cross. Heavy cropping variety that ripens a week bef MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / North Equatorial Current: A current setting west-ward in the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans and in the Indian Ocean from about October to July. It occurs immediately north of the Equatorial Counter Current. MORE