Science / Weather / Wind Direction: The direction from which the wind is blowing. For example, an easterly wind is blowing from the east, not toward the east. It is reported with reference to true north, or 360 degrees on the compass, and expressed to the nearest 10 degrees, or to one of the 16 points of the compass (N, NE, WNW, etc.).
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Direction Adjective Synonyms: directing, aiming, pointing, guiding, guidance, conducting, conduct, instructing, instruction, managing, management, administering, administration, governing, government, supervising, supervision, operating, operation, running, leadership, directorship
Wind Noun Synonyms: turn, bend, twist, snake, worm, twine, zigzag, slew, swerve, loop, coil, curve, meander, ramble, veer
Wind Verb Synonyms: breeze, zephyr, puff, gust, breath, draught, light air, current (of air)
Wind Adjective Synonyms: puffery, bombast, rodomontade, bluster, boasting, braggadocio, vain speech, blather, (idle or empty) talk, fustian, nonsense, twaddle, humbug, babble, gibberish, gab, hot air, claptrap, hogwash, rot, hooey, boloney, (load of (old)) cobbl
Science / Geology / Paleowind: A prevailing wind direction in an area, inferred from dune structure or the distribution of volcanic ash for one particular time in geologic history. MORE
Science / Weather / Directional Shear: The shear created by a rapid change in wind direction with height. MORE
Science / Weather / Vertical Wind Profile: A series of wind direction and wind speed measurements taken at various levels in the atmosphere that show the wind structure of the atmosphere over a specific location. Obtained through a rawinsonde MORE