Science / Weather / Vertical Wind Profile: A series of wind direction and wind speed measurements taken at various levels in the atmosphere that show the wind structure of the atmosphere over a specific location. Obtained through a rawinsonde sounding or comparable method, and exhibited in a skew t-log p diagram.
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Profile Adjective Synonyms: analysis, study, survey, examination, graph, diagram, chart, list, statistics
Profile Noun Synonyms: outline, silhouette, contour, side-view
Wind Noun Synonyms: turn, bend, twist, snake, worm, twine, zigzag, slew, swerve, loop, coil, curve, meander, ramble, veer
Wind Adjective Synonyms: puffery, bombast, rodomontade, bluster, boasting, braggadocio, vain speech, blather, (idle or empty) talk, fustian, nonsense, twaddle, humbug, babble, gibberish, gab, hot air, claptrap, hogwash, rot, hooey, boloney, (load of (old)) cobbl
Wind Verb Synonyms: breeze, zephyr, puff, gust, breath, draught, light air, current (of air)
Life Style / Wine / Vertical Wine Tasting: In a vertical tasting, different vintages of the same wine type from the same winery are tasted, such as a winery's Pinot Noir from five different years. This emphasizes differences between various vi MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Vertical-scroller: A game where the action is typically rendered using two-dimensional graphics in a scene that 'scrolls' by from top to bottom. MORE
Science / Weather / Vertical Wind Profile: A series of wind direction and wind speed measurements taken at various levels in the atmosphere that show the wind structure of the atmosphere over a specific location. Obtained through a rawinsonde MORE
Science / Weather / Vertical Visibility: The distance an observer can see vertically into an undefined ceiling, or the height corresponding to the top of a ceiling light projector beam, or the height at which a ceiling balloon disappears dur MORE
Health / Disease / Vertical Transmission: Transmission of an infection, such as HIV, from mother to child during the perinatal period, the period immediately before and after birth. MORE
Life Style / Wine / Vertical Trellis: A vine training method. More details may be found in my advice page on vine training techniques. MORE