Science / Weather / Saturation Point: The point when the water vapor in the atmosphere is at its maximum level for the existing temperature.
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Point Noun Synonyms: spot, place, stage, position, site, station, location, locale
Point Adjective Synonyms: dot, mark, speck, (full) stop, period, decimal point
Entertainment / Football / Point-After-Touchdown (PAT): A place kick taken from the opponent?€™s 2-yard line (3-yard line in college); awarded to a team that has scored a touchdown, it is worth 1 point if it goes through the goalpost. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Point-Of-Service (POS) Plan: A health plan allowing the member to choose to receive a service from a participating or non-participating provider, with different benefits levels associated with the use of participating providers. MORE
Technology / Computers / Point to Point Protocol (PPP): It's a software application that allows an attachment to a server. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Point Source Pollution: Pollutants that are discharged or emitted from discrete 'point' sources, such as pipes and smokestacks. Both the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act focus control requirements on point sources and b MORE
Health / Disease / Point Source Epidemic: A point source epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of infection at a single place and time. There is no significant transmission between individuals. cf. contin MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Point Source Lamp: Arc type lamp producing light from a small gap between two carbon rods. MORE