Point Source Epidemic

Health / Disease / Point Source Epidemic: A point source epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of infection at a single place and time. There is no significant transmission between individuals. cf. continuous and intermittent epidemics.
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Other Words for Epidemic

Epidemic Noun Synonyms: plague, pestilence, scourge, rash, growth, upsurge, outbreak, spread
Epidemic Adjective Synonyms: widespread, universal, prevalent, prevailing, rampant, general, wide-ranging, pandemic

Other Words for Point

Point Adjective Synonyms: dot, mark, speck, (full) stop, period, decimal point
Point Noun Synonyms: spot, place, stage, position, site, station, location, locale

Other Words for Source

Source Adjective Synonyms: fountain-head, well-spring, origin, provenance, provenience, inception, start, outset, beginning, root(s), commencement, rise

Common Source Epidemic

Health / Disease / Common Source Epidemic: A common source epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of infection. A point source epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of MORE

Continuous Epidemic

Health / Disease / Continuous Epidemic: A continuous epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of infection at a single place for a continuous time period. There is no significant transmission between indiv MORE

Intermittent Epidemic

Health / Disease / Intermittent Epidemic: An intermittent epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of infection at a place that varies in location or in time, or both. There is no significant transmission be MORE

Pointe Work

Entertainment / Ballet / Pointe Work: Performing steps while on the tips of the toes, using a special blocked shoe. Although mostly a female dancers' skill, nowadays it is not unknown for male dancers to receive training in pointe work. MORE


Technology / Programming / Pointer: A pointer is a type in c++ and c that points to a section in memory. They are most often used to pass to a method to ensure that the particular variable being pointed to is modified by the method, rat MORE


Lifestyle / Travel / Point-To-Point: Refers to the fares between two cities; the service between two cities without additional segments or any continuation. MORE