
Science / Weather / Longitude: The location east or west in reference to the Prime Meridian, which is designated as zero (0) degrees longitude. The distance between lines of longitude are greater at the equator and smaller at the higher latitudes, intersecting at the earth's North and South Poles. Time zones are correlated to longitude.
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Longitude, Geographical Or Terrestrial

Science / Astrology / Longitude, Geographical Or Terrestrial: The distance in arc a given point on Earth lies east or west of the prime meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England (0?° longitude). Geographical longitude is measured from 0?° to 180?°. Se MORE

Longitude, Celestial

Science / Astrology / Longitude, Celestial: The distance in degrees (arc) from 0?° Aries eastward to any given point that intersects the ecliptic. Celestial longitude is measured from 0?° to 360?°. For example, 10?° Taurus is expressed astr MORE

Longitude, Zodiacal

Science / Astrology / Longitude, Zodiacal: The position of a given point along the ecliptic expressed in terms of the zodiac. MORE