Science / Astrology / Longitude, Zodiacal: The position of a given point along the ecliptic expressed in terms of the zodiac.
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Science / Astrology / Zodiacal Aspects: Aspects based upon planets' zodiacal longitude as distinguished from parallels and contaparallels, which depend upon declination. MORE
Science / Astrology / Longitude, Zodiacal: The position of a given point along the ecliptic expressed in terms of the zodiac. MORE
Science / Astrology / Longitude, Geographical Or Terrestrial: The distance in arc a given point on Earth lies east or west of the prime meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England (0?° longitude). Geographical longitude is measured from 0?° to 180?°. Se MORE
Science / Astrology / Longitude, Celestial: The distance in degrees (arc) from 0?° Aries eastward to any given point that intersects the ecliptic. Celestial longitude is measured from 0?° to 360?°. For example, 10?° Taurus is expressed astr MORE