Jam Verb Synonyms: cram, force, push, wedge, stuff, press, ram, squeeze, shove, pack, crowd
Jam Noun Synonyms: block, obstruct, congest, fill up, clog, plug, stop up
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Price: Reported to be a V.labrusca variety derived from a (Hector x Seibel 13035) x (Fredonia x Athens) complex cross. Hardier (frost resistant to -25 F ie. -32 C) than Concord it also ripens (ie. similar to MORE
Business / Finance / Price Change: Increase or decrease in the closing price of a security compared to the previous day's closing price. MORE
Business / Accounting / Price Change Accounting: Accounting for the value of assets, stock, raw materials etc. by their current market value instead of the more traditional Historic Cost . MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Prepaid Ticket Advice: A form used when purchasing an air ticket to be picked up and used by someone else at another airport. E-tickets have reduced the need for this greatly. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Prepaid Group Practices: Term originally used to describe healthcare systems that later became known as health maintenance organizations. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Practice Swing: (also 'rehearsal swing') a swing through the air made (without hitting a ball) to work on, or feel, the movements that you intend to make when you hit the ball, or just to loosen up MORE