Science / Tides and Currents / Secondary Control Tide Station: A tide station at which continuous observations have been made over a minimum period of 1 year but less than 19 years. The series is reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations from a primary control tide station. This station provides for a 365-day harmonic analysis including the seasonal fluctuation of sea level. See tide station, primary control tide station, tertiary tide station, and subordinate tide station (1).
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Control Noun Synonyms: restraint, check, curb, mastery, command, dominance, domination
Control Verb Synonyms: command, dominate, direct, steer, pilot, hold sway over, rule, exercise power or authority over, govern, manage, lead, conduct, be in control (of), call the tune, guide, oversee, supervise
Secondary Verb Synonyms: less important, unimportant, inessential or unessential, non-essential, non-critical, subsidiary, ancillary, minor, inferior, subordinate
Secondary Noun Synonyms: auxiliary, second-line, backup, extra, reserve, spare, provisional, supporting, supportive, alternate, alternative
Secondary Adverb Synonyms: derivative, derived, indirect, second-hand, unoriginal, not original, copied, imitated
Station Adjective Synonyms: place, position, spot, post, site, location
Station Noun Synonyms: position, place, status, rank, caste, standing, class, level
Science / Tides and Currents / Tide Station: The geographic location at which tidal observations are conducted. Also, the facilities used to make tidal observations. These may include a tide house, tide gauge, tide staff, and tidal bench marks. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Subordinate Tide Station: (1) A tide station from which a relatively short series of observations is reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations from a tide station with a relatively long series of observations. See t MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Primary Control Tide Station: A tide station at which continuous observations have been made over a minimum of 19 years. Its purpose is to provide data for computing accepted values of the harmonic and non-harmonic constants essen MORE