Business / Finance / Positive Yield Curve: When long-term debt interest rates are higher than short-term debt rates (because of the increased risk involved with long-term debt security).
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Positive Verb Synonyms: sure, certain, definite, unequivocal, categorical, absolute, unqualified, unambiguous, unmistakable or unmistakeable, clear-cut, clear, explicit, express, decisive, indisputable, indubitable, unquestionable, unquestioned, incontestable, uncontested
Positive Adjective Synonyms: sure, certain, confident, convinced, satisfied
Yield Conjunction Synonyms: return, production, output, revenue, takings, gate, earnings, income, proceeds, profit, gain
Yield Adverb Synonyms: surrender, give up (the fight or struggle), give in, knuckle under, submit, cede, cry quits, throw in the towel or the sponge, capitulate, succumb, raise the white flag
Business / Finance / Negative Yield Curve: When the yield on a short-term security is higher than the yield on a long-term security, partially because high interest rates are creating a greater demand for short-term borrowing. MORE
Business / Finance / Inverted Yield Curve: When short-term interest rates are higher than long-term rates. Antithesis of positive yield curve. MORE
Business / Finance / Relative Yield Spread: The ratio of the yield spread to the yield level. Used for bonds. MORE
Business / Finance / Realized Compound Yield: Yield assuming that coupon payments are invested at the going market interest rate at the time of their receipt and held thus until the bond matures. MORE
Science / Geology / Rating Curve: A plot that shows the relationship between the stage and discharge (streamflow) of a specific stream at a specific location. It is customary to plot stream stage on the y-axis of the plot and discharg MORE