Positive Yield Curve

Business / Finance / Positive Yield Curve: When long-term debt interest rates are higher than short-term debt rates (because of the increased risk involved with long-term debt security).
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Other Words for Positive

Positive Verb Synonyms: sure, certain, definite, unequivocal, categorical, absolute, unqualified, unambiguous, unmistakable or unmistakeable, clear-cut, clear, explicit, express, decisive, indisputable, indubitable, unquestionable, unquestioned, incontestable, uncontested
Positive Adjective Synonyms: sure, certain, confident, convinced, satisfied

Other Words for Yield

Yield Conjunction Synonyms: return, production, output, revenue, takings, gate, earnings, income, proceeds, profit, gain
Yield Adverb Synonyms: surrender, give up (the fight or struggle), give in, knuckle under, submit, cede, cry quits, throw in the towel or the sponge, capitulate, succumb, raise the white flag

Negative Yield Curve

Business / Finance / Negative Yield Curve: When the yield on a short-term security is higher than the yield on a long-term security, partially because high interest rates are creating a greater demand for short-term borrowing. MORE

Inverted Yield Curve

Business / Finance / Inverted Yield Curve: When short-term interest rates are higher than long-term rates. Antithesis of positive yield curve. MORE


Science / Spiders / Recurved: Curved as an arc having its ends behind its center. MORE

Relative Yield Spread

Business / Finance / Relative Yield Spread: The ratio of the yield spread to the yield level. Used for bonds. MORE

Realized Compound Yield

Business / Finance / Realized Compound Yield: Yield assuming that coupon payments are invested at the going market interest rate at the time of their receipt and held thus until the bond matures. MORE

Rating Curve

Science / Geology / Rating Curve: A plot that shows the relationship between the stage and discharge (streamflow) of a specific stream at a specific location. It is customary to plot stream stage on the y-axis of the plot and discharg MORE