Science / Genetics / Human Gene Therapy: Insertion of normal dna directly into cells to correct a genetic defect.
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Human Verb Synonyms: mortal, anthropoid, hominoid, android, hominid, Possibly offensive manlike
Human Noun Synonyms: sensitive, defenseless, weak, fallible, vulnerable
Human Adjective Synonyms: kind, kindly, kind-hearted, considerate, charitable, compassionate, merciful, benign, benignant, tender, gentle, forgiving, lenient, benevolent, beneficent, generous, magnanimous, humanitarian, understanding, accommodating, sympathetic, good-natured
Therapy Noun Synonyms: remedy, treatment, remedial programme, cure
Therapy Verb Synonyms: psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, analysis, group therapy
Entertainment / Literature / Linguistic Generalization: As Algeo defines it, 'A semantic change expanding the kinds of referents of a word' (319). I.e., in generalization, a word picks up broader meaning instead of becoming specialized, focused, and narrow MORE
Business / Finance / Limited-Tax General Obligation Bond: A general obligation bond of a government backed by specified or constrained revenue sources. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Lost Generation: A group of twentieth-century authors who grew disillusioned after World War I and lived in Europe as expatriates. Ernest Hemingway is one of the more famous members of the Lost Generation. MORE
Health / Massage / Lymph Drainage Therapy: Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) is unique in that healthcare professionals learn how to palpate the lymphatic flow. As they develop their skills, they can then identify the rhythm, direction, and quality MORE
Health / Massage / Magnet Therapy: The therapeutic use of magnets may be older than acupuncture, originally involving a material called magnetite applied in a poultice. Today?€™s magnet therapy is still applied to the skin, but emp MORE
Health / Massage / Lymphatic Drainage Therapy: A hands-on method for lymphatic drainage involving flat hands, utilizing all of the fingers to stimulate wave-like movements. This enables the practitioner to feel the rhythm of the body fluids to det MORE