Therapy Noun Synonyms
remedy, treatment, remedial programme, cure
As therapy, he suggested I swim a mile every day.
Therapy Verb Synonyms
psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, analysis, group therapy
If it weren't for my weekly therapy sessions, I'd never see anyone.
Search Google for Therapy:
Health / Massage / Trauma Touch Therapy: Trauma touch therapy was developed to address the needs of clients affected by trauma and abuse, including sexual and emotional abuse, battering, the trauma of war, surgery, or criminal violence. Focu MORE
Health / Massage / Body-Oriented Psychotherapy: Body-oriented psychotherapy seeks to enhance the psychotherapeutic process by incorporating a range of massage, bodywork, and movement techniques. Acknowledging the mind-body link, practitioners may u MORE
Health / Massage / Integrative Manual Therapy: This therapy recognizes that each person is more than the total components of anatomy, physics, and chemistry and is instead affected by emotions, thoughts, social interactions, mind, spirit, consciou MORE
Health / Massage / Unified Field Therapy: Unified field therapy (UFT) has discovered that beyond the body, beyond energy, lies a matrix of consciousness that permeates every aspect of our world. This dynamic, ever expansive matrix forms a sin MORE
Health / Massage / Color Therapy: An ancient system using specific color rays to treat the body and mind, color therapy is based on the notion that organs and systems vibrate at certain frequencies. By applying a particular color ray MORE
Health / Massage / Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy: This therapy involves a fusion of hatha yoga, bodywork, and psychotherapy. It is holistic art based on the ancient science of yoga, combining elements of contemporary body/mind psychology with assiste MORE