Solid Adjective Synonyms: filled (in or up), packed, jammed, crowded, teeming, congested, crammed, swarming, compressed, concentrated, chock-a-block, jam-packed, chock-full
Solid Noun Synonyms: three-dimensional, cubic
Business / Loan / Loan Consolidation: The combining of a number of loans into a single new loan. Consolidation typically extends your repayment period and lowers your monthly payments, thereby greatly increasing the amount of interest you MORE
Business / Construction / Solid Bridging: A solid member placed between adjacent floor joists near the center of the span to prevent joists or rafters from twisting. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Solid Waste: Non-liquid, non-soluble materials ranging from municipal garbage to industrial wastes that contain complex and sometimes hazardous substances. Solid wastes also include sewage sludge, agricultural ref MORE
Technology / Rockets / Solid Rocket Booster (SBR): Solid Rocket Boosters are boosters which are strapped onto the side of a rocket to assist in liftoff which then fall away from the rocket once the solid propellant has burned out. Examples of NASA roc MORE
Business / Real Estate / Solid Core Door: A door where the inner material (core) is made of solid wood. This type door is usually used for doors to the outside or garage. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Solid Square: A very accurate try square in which a steel blade is set firmly into a solid, rectangular-shaped handle so that each edge of the blade makes an angle of exactly 90?? with the inner face (side) of the MORE