Band Verb Synonyms: line, stripe, border
Band Noun Synonyms: strip, ribbon, belt, bandeau, fillet, tie, stripe, line, border
Technology / Home Audio / Band-Limiting Filters: A low-pass and a high-pass filter in series, acting together to restrict (limit) the overall bandwidth of a system. Many audio amplifiers and processors, having switches labeled as 'Rumble' or 'Hiss,' MORE
Technology / Computers / Baseband Transmission: The transmission of digital signals over a limited distance. ARCnet and Ethernet LAN's use baseband. It is the opposite of broadband, which refers to the transmission of analog signals over greater di MORE
Technology / Radar / Cross-Band Racon: A racon which transmits at a frequency not within the marine radar frequency band. To be able to use this type of racon, the ship's radar receiver must be capable of being tuned to the frequency of th MORE
Technology / Radar / K-Band: Police traffic radar has been assigned specific frequencies by federal communication commission (fcc). These frequencies are designated by the letters -s, x, k and ka and are referred to as bands. Old MORE
Health / Yoga / Maha Bandha : The great lock - combines the three locks in yoga - the moola bandha, jalandhara bandha and uddiyana bandha - together with breath retention. MORE
Technology / Radar / In-Band Racon: A racon which transmits in the marine radar frequency band, e.g., the 3-centimeter band. The transmitter sweeps through a range of frequencies within the band to insure that a radar receiver tuned to MORE